Selasa, Mei 13, 2008

Tenis? penis?

Sore itu, lagi berenang aja di sport club. Dengan kacamata renang, penutup kuping supaya air ga masuk lengkap dengan celana renangnya. Setelah sekian lama (halah!) akhirnya selesai, pas mau mandi, kok kayak ada sesuatu yg aneh yah? let me tell you spesificly.
Aku: (mau pake handuk, merasa dunia ko suaranya ga ada)
kenapa yah? apa aku budeg? TIIDDAAAKKK!! TUHAN,tolong aku!!
Dia: (berlari mendekat ke aku) Oi, ..
Aku: (Gemeter ketakutan) Ahhhh... tidak,, jangan! aku jangan diperkosa!!
Dia: hahahaha. gila lo. eh, maen penis yuk!
Aku: Hah?? maen penis? Tambah deaf deh nih. maen apa? penis?
Dia: iyah. ayo dong, rame nih! biar seru.
Aku: hah? ga salah? ogah ah. punya gw kegedean.(merasa pede)
Dia: ah, masa? kan kita maennya pake raket, santai aja. ga lama2 kok.
Aku: hah? parah nih. serius dong.
Dia: Udah ikut aja yuk!
Aku: Ahhhh. tiiiddddaaakkkk(berlebihan)
Sesampainya dilapangan,
Aku: hah? maen dilapangan? caranya gimana?
Dia: haha. sok ga tau lo!!
Aku: lha? emang gimana?
Anak-anak pada ngambil raket sama bola tenis. aku bengong, (dalam hati) oh maen tenis??, tiba-tiba BUUAAKK!!. Aduh, kok gw kena bola bisa ga kedengeran yah? ternyata aku belum copot tempelan kuping yang buat supaya ga masuk air. Dunia jadi aneh gara-gara penutup kuping. aduh. kirain aku maen penis, caranya gimana lagi. bingung. haha.

Today? Yesterday? 2 days ago? Far from happy day

Where should i start?
Well, Stacy lia lubis has been raped by Rico cepper. NO!!
Aduh, nge gosh shit lagi.
I think you guys should know that i was being crazy for last 2 days.
it wasn't that crazy but just something like crazy. haha. i know i'm confusing you, people. haha. i'm writing like a lot of people read this. haha.
Here is the thing, i've heard about that song for stupid people. that is racist. you know what, they just insulting the stupid people. that song with lyrics like this
"Du di du di dump dump, oye oye. du di du di dump dump oye oye" . who the hell are they that so dare insulting people like you, ups. i mean like those stupid people. i bet you feel confused. haha. thats what all people told me when they done reading this shit. haha
well, back to the gosh shit.
i meant gossip.
i think we should put that topic out of our topic. haha
for Bon jovi, thank you for loving me.
for john lenon, imagine that no woman no cry for bob marley. And please stacy ferguson, please big girl don't cry!
Hey jude, they are the beatles come for you, julian!!

Dude, i've no idea what am i talkin about!!
But i knew why it happen. Because Far from happy day. we need beautiful day, we should ask james blunt, but i think he has no it. he has beautiful girl, but he told her that good bye my lover. so he has nothing. well, i think we still have gita gutawa to make us to be "sempurna". well, i keep confusing you guys. i know you all getting sick of this just like my dad when he's been confused by me, again . for a thousand times.
okay, this things makes you all bored, don't you? okay, you've got me begging you to keep reading. haha
okay, okay.
